Nomination committee

Provisions on the establishment of a nomination committee can be found in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The nomination committee's main task is to present suitable candidates for the roles of board chairman, board member and auditor, as well as their remuneration. 

The nomination committee shall for the time until the end of the next annual general meeting consist of four members. 

In the event that a member of the nomination committee resigns before its assignment is completed, the chairman of the nomination committee (or the company's board chairman in the event that the chairman of the nomination committee resigns) contact the shareholder with the largest number of votes who has not already appointed a member and ask him to appoint a member. If this shareholder does not wish to appoint a member, the next largest is asked, etc. Changes in the composition of the nomination committee must be announced on the company's website. 

The nomination committee consists of the following members: 

  • Mattias Klintemar (chairman of the election committee)
  • Mats Franzén (the company's chairman of the board)
  • Kjell Östergren