
Cell Impact’s reason for existing 

Cell Impact’s products and high-tech manufacturing processes provide solutions to the planet’s greatest climate challenge: to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels. Sustainability is therefore the company’s raison d’être and the foundation of Cell Impact’s mission and offering.

Cell Impact’s mission is to revolutionize the global energy system and combat the climate change that threatens the planet. With its environmentally friendly and scalable technology, Cell Impact offers the hydrogen society solutions to the significant challenges related to producing flow plates on a large scale. Otherwise, there is a risk that the already urgent transformation of the global energy system will be delayed.

Cell Impact’s flow plates are attractive to manufacturers of electrolyzers and fuel cells. When the electrolysis process is powered by electricity from renewable sources, the result is sustainable, green hydrogen with a very low climate impact. Green hydrogen is an energy source that can be used in fuel cells where the energy in the hydrogen is extracted and the only emission is water.

By developing and manufacturing flow plates for fuel cells and electrolyzers, Cell Impact is contributing to the green transition.

For Cell Impact, sustainability also includes how the company does business and reduces its own climate impact. Cell Impact views sustainable business practices as a moral obligation and the company is convinced that they are also necessary to ensure a sustainable future for the company, its stakeholders and society at large. Cell Impact’s sustainability initiatives should have a positive impact on the company’s competitiveness and contribute to long-term sustainable economic growth.

This is why sustainability also involves how the business ensures long-term delivery capability. For Cell Impact, it means that the company shall strive to be an attractive employer for existing and potential employees and ensure the efficient use of both human and natural resources. Cell Impact aims to offer a sustainable work environment that fosters wellbeing, satisfaction and development.

Cell Impact’s opportunities to achieve stable long-term growth in a somewhat immature and rapidly-evolving industry depend on its ability to quickly adapt skills to market needs, remain curious and innovative and be easy to do business with. This requires an open and safe culture with diverse people and backgrounds Constantly developing people and the business is crucial for Cell Impact to dare to challenge and be challenged.

EcoVadis, the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, has awarded Cell Impact AB a silver medal. EcoVadis’ thorough evaluation of Cell Impact’s operational sustainability practices has resulted in a rating of 72/100 and thus placed Cell Impact in the top 6 percent among all companies rated in the past year – 46 percent above the industry average.

The EcoVadis rating validates and demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and supports our company mission to help transform the global energy system and reduce the world's dependency on fossil fuels.

This initial communication of the company’s ESG work has started with outlining Cell Impact’s fundamental approach to sustainability. Cell Impact is now laying the foundation to further develop its ESG governance structure in upcoming reports, aiming to improve transparency, clarify objectives and establish sustainable and operationally relevant monitoring within the ESG domain.


SDG 7 SDG 11 SDG 13
Targets SDG 7.2, SDG 7.4, SDG 11.2


Environmental responsibility

Cell Impact shall revolutionize the global energy system and combat climate change that threatens the world as we know it today. The company shall protect and develop its environmentally friendly and scalable technology, providing sustainable solutions to the challenges that the hydrogen society faces today related to mass producing flow plates.

Social sustainability

Cell Impact’s workplace shall be characterized by diversity. The company is convinced that this creates the best conditions to be an agile, innovative and commercially sustainable business. Everyone shall have the opportunity to contribute to the company’s success and be included in a strong community that allows for constant learning.

Sustainable business management

Cell Impact’s management structure shall be characterized by a long-term perspective. Processes and routines shall be well-organized and clear, illustrating how they serve the company and balance the needs of stakeholders. Management procedures shall also be simple and scalable, meeting real needs by making it easy for people to do the right thing.

The company and its employees shall undertake to adhere to high ethical standards and act responsibly towards each other, shareholders, customers, partners and society